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Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time.

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    Sugar can be harmful to our health, especially if you enjoy sweets and cakes which are full of sugar. Many products contain sugar like the low-fat yogurt, can results in weight gain, wrinkles and energy crashes. Having a diet that includes lots of sugar can cause wrinkles, energy crashes and gaining weight. Give your body a break from sugar, […] More

  • Extremely rare pink dolphin gives birth to an adorable pink baby calf

    What might be even more eye-catching than a pink dolphin? Well, a bright pink dolphin and her adorable tiny calf. A striking presence and a resident of the Calcasieu Lake in Louisiana, ‘Pinky’ the dolphin has recently spotted swimming with her baby, who delightfully looks just like her. The unusual bottlenose dolphin has been initially […] More

  • Four girls join for a photoshoot after beating cancer together.

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  • See How Much the “Perfect” Female Body Has Changed in 100 Years (It’s Crazy!)

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  • The most beautiful horse in the world looks like he is made out of gold

    What humans have been doing for thousands of years with animals is both good and bad. I am talking about breeding. Breeding animals started thousands of years ago when people started to realize that if they breed the strongest or best-looking animals between their kinds amongst each other and let the weakest ones die off […] More

  • A Cat Sneaks Into A Zoo And Becomes A Eurasian Lynx’s Best Friend

    No difference can destroy a friendship, even if that special bond is forged by two seemingly different animals: would you believe it if we told you that in the St.Petersburg Zoo, everything that is more normal has become a cat? friend of a boreal lynx? The Russian tomcat was just looking for food when he snuck into […] More

  • What 25 Celebs Look Like Right After They Take Their Make Up Off

    When we flip through magazines or scroll down celebrities’ Instagram or Twitter, we can’t help but appreciate their beauty. We might think that level of beauty is only possible with the help of makeup, but some celebrities show that their natural beauty is just as lovely, if not better, without makeup. With their no-makeup selfies, these celebrities prove that even beneath all the powder and colors, […] More

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  • Orphaned Fawns Survive With Love Of Gentle German Shepherd

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