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  • Cop Finds Stray Puppy And Won’t Leave Her Side Until He Knows She’s Safe

    This stray puppy was without a friend in the world – that is, until she found just the person to help change her life forever.   Officer Kareem Garibaldi, from Florida’s Lakeland Police Department, found the lonely little pit-bull-boxer mix wandering through a neighborhood while on patrol in the early hours of Saturday morning. Since […] More

  • Clever Dog Always Brings a Leaf to ‘Buy’ Himself Treats At The Store

    Some dogs beg for treats. This clever pup pays for his. While some pups might resort to begging for treats, this proud dog insists on paying for his own meals.   Although, it does help that his form of currency literally grows on trees. Negro the dog is the furry campus resident of the Diversified […] More

  • New Sculpture Pays Tribute To Military Working Dogs

    Sculptor Susan Norris has a long history of producing heartfelt pieces of art, and recently, she took on a new project. A new sculpture honors the efforts and sacrifices of military working dogs. Titled “My Hero, My Friend,” it is a life-size bronze sculpture of a military working dog wearing a Purple Heart, mourning the […] More

  • Prince Harry Has Changed His Name

    The world went crazy when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced they would be stepping down as senior royals. Prince Harry has caused yet another stir as he has decided to change his name. Scroll down to find out what he changed it to and why…. Meghan Markle has made her mark on British history. […] More

  • Dog Gives Sweet Kisses To Firefighter Who Rescued Him From Roof

    The adorable video shows a Husky is kissing a firefighter to thank him for saving him. This pup was so happy to be rescued by a firefighter and he couldn’t hold back kissing his hero man. It happened when the authorities in Maine received multiple calls about a dog stuck on the roof of a […] More

  • Jimmy Fallon Asked People To Share Their Worst ‘Beach Fails.’

    In theory, going to the beach is a supremely relaxing activity that connects you to nature and lets you chill with loved ones, but that’s not always how the reality goes down. A beach is also a place full of tons of strangers, flasks full of booze that influence bad decision making, and small animals […] More

  • Stray Mama Cat Brings Her Kittens To Woman Who Gave Her Food

    A couple of months ago, Shea A Prior spotted a stray cat hanging around in her backyard, so she decided to give the cat some food. This stray was shy at first, but then she came to enjoy the meal. Prior was excited because the sweet cat finally trusted her and accepted food from her. […] More

  • Two Schoolboys Use An Umbrella To Save A Tiny Kitten Trapped On A Canopy

    It’s so heartwarming to read rescue stories with happy endings. All animals deserve normal and good lives and these stories like that prove that there are still many people who are willing to help and care for animals in need. The story below will show us that small miracles may create miraculous power. If you […] More

  • Ordinary Photos That Make You Look Twice to Get Another Perspective

    A picture may be worth a thousand words, but sometimes things aren’t always what they seem. Our minds are always playing tricks on us and sometimes they can make a totally innocent photo seem anything.Whether it is perfect timing, forced perspective, or just a game of shadows, if a picture makes you puzzled and you […] More

  • Retired Police Dog ‘Cries’ Tears Of Joy After Being Reunited With Handler

    A retired police dog can’t stop crying, after her former handler decided to pay her a surprise visit. The heartwarming scene was caught on camera and the netizens’ hearts are melted. Wangwang, a 8-year-old German Shepherd, worked as a sniffer dog at security checkpoints in Xichuan county, China. But in June 2019, the loyal dog […] More

  • Photos That Everyone Is Tired Of Seeing On Their Instagram Feed

    There are certain types of Instagram pictures everyone hates. There’s little people won’t do to be trendy. Regular social network users post hundreds of millions of photos trying to get as many likes as possible. The majority of them are so typical and similar, that they already start getting annoying. Their quantities are so high […] More

  • People Are Taking Ramen Noodle Baths As Part Of Their Skin Care Routines

    There’s even a spa offering these baths to its customers. Japan has gifted the globe with many cool inventions, like heated toilets. But it has also given us lots of delicious foods, including some pretty tasty convenience food. Let’s be honest, how many of us would’ve been able to survive college without the help of […] More

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