Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time.

Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time.

Switch to the dark mode that's kinder on your eyes at night time.

Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time.

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    Children are a constant source of entertainment and can be hilarious when they do certain things unintentionally they don’t even realise. When they combine their drawing ability with spellings you get some inappropriate but hilarious results that adults will get. Take a look at these hilarious kids drawings below 1.Oh Dad, your kid was just […] More

  • People Who Need To Stay Away From Photoshop

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    It’s illegal for you to keep wild animals as pets in Brazil. But despite what the law may say, Dindim comes to live with his best friend, whom he met on the beaches of Brazil, every year since 2011. 71-year-old retired bricklayer and part-time fisherman Joao Pereira de Souza found Dindim, a South American Magellanic […] More

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    To you, your pet might be a friend or a family member. But to your pet, you are their whole world. There’s nothing more painful for a pet than losing their owner, and the sad part is, most of the time, they just couldn’t understand why. Moose had just lost his beloved dad, and the […] More

  • Photos Caught Seconds Before Disaster Struck

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  • Uniquely Orange and Black Fox Strikes a Pose for Friendly Photographer

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